

vegetarian january

it's no surprise that i am not a vegetarian. nor is anyone else in my family. but for the last ten or so years, my mother has, on countless occasions, expressed that she loves vegetables so much she should be a vegetarian. so a year and a couple months ago, i challenged her to go without meat. she lasted a little over a week, finally giving in to a cheeseburger craving.

at christmas, there she was again, going on and on about how she loves vegetables and doesn't really need meat - albeit right after a huge meal of prime rib. needless to say, the challenge was issued again. only this time she had a counteroffer: we would do it together.
while the real challenge is to see which one of us caves in first and eats meat, i've decided to challenge myself even further, by not eating any meat the entire month of january.
which shouldn't be so hard, since i've got at least a month's worth of vegetarian meals bookmarked from other blogs, cookbooks, websites, etc and a stack of tried and true meatfree meals.

get ready for a month of all new meatfree meals. i promise you won't miss it.

what are your favorite meatfree recipes?


  1. All of these looks so delicious, as a proud carnivore, I didn't even realize all of these were vegetarian until I started reading. I'm looking forward to your veggie-venture!

  2. This takes Meatless Monday to a whole new level! I claim fairly often that I could easily be a vegetarian, except I'd eat fish (that's cheating, isn't it???). I've never tried it, but I imagine that I'ld probably cave eventually too. Good luck this month, can't wait to hear how it turns out!

  3. Kate,
    I am sorry to say today at the Carrier Dome, cheering on The Syracuse Orangemen (#4 in the country) I was 2/3 of the way through a HOT DOG when I realized I was eating meat (well, sort of meat). Anyways, I did not make it the full month; but with one relapse, I am back to the vegetarian month!!!!
    Your Mama

  4. I'm doing something similar for January: going vegan (except for the eggs from my chickens). I think the key to a meatless cuisine is to focus on incorporating as many vegetables as possible, and preparing them in new and creative ways (not so much thinking about meat substitutes). A great place to get inspired is Mollie Katzen's "Vegetable Dishes I can't live without" book. Good luck on your challenge!
