

three cheese risotto

i love risotto.

i love macaroni and cheese.

this risotto is a grown up, sophisticated version of mac and cheese. rich, creamy, with a hint of white wine, it's perfect along side grilled chicken. and i have a feeling it's going to make amazing risotto cakes later this week., especially mixed with a little fresh chive and basil.

it's really really cheesy. don't get me wrong, it's really really good, but you could probably save yourself a lot of calories by cutting the cheese in half to a quarter cup of fontina, parm, and mozzarella, and not sacrifice too much in the taste department. if you're into the whole cutting fat and calories thing. if you're not, go for it. go for it anyway and just have a smaller portion. but be careful, just like mac and cheese, before you know it, you've eaten half the pan.

three cheese risotto
get the recipe at life's ambrosia

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