

roasted brussels sprouts

it's time to cut through all this sugar and chocolate with some vegetables. now that the weather is finally nice - we made it all day yesterday without rain and it's finally warm enough for shorts - we go to the public market every saturday morning. this year, my plan is to purchase something new, some fruit or vegetable that i've never had before, and make it. i don't know if i'll run out of options before the season is over, but i'm hoping to find some new fruits and vegetables that i can add to the rotation.

and while i know many people who told us we have to try these, how easy they were to prepare and how great the kitchen smelled while they were roasting, i didn't care for them much. jason, on the other hand, finished his plate, finished the rest from the pan, and finished what i left on my plate.

roasted brussels sprouts
30 minutes

1/2 cup raw brussels sprouts per person
olive oil
kosher or sea salt
  1. preheat your oven to 400F.
  2. rinse the brussels sprouts, cut off the bottom, slice in half and place on a baking sheet. drizzle liberally with olive oil and sea salt. toss the sprouts around so they're evenly coated.
  3. bake for about 20 minutes, or until starting to brown.


  1. I love brussels sprouts prepared almost any way you can think of, but this has to be my favorite. Total bummer that you weren't a huge fan!

  2. They're even better with bacon!

  3. Omg how could you not love these! One of my favorites, but with bacon,gotta have bacon.
