

mushroom stroganoff

i really should apologize to all the mushroom haters and dislikers out there. i'm sorry you don't like them because you're really missing out on greatness. anyone who has had a perfectly sauteed mushroom - especially in garlic and butter - knows exactly what i mean.

whether you are in the mood for salad, mexican, italian, soup, an accompaniment for chicken, or just need to use up some leftovers, mushrooms are perfect.

this time, they're sauteed in butter, olive oil, onion, and a splash of sherry. tossed with egg noodles, it's perfect for a quick meatless weeknight meal. 

the original recipe called for one tablespoon whole peppercorns. as i was adding them to the dish, i kept hoping something magical would happen, that they would transform somehow while cooking, so that we didn't have bites of whole peppercorns. needless to say, magic did not happen, and we were left with mouths full of pepper. jason took one bite and declared "unless i can pick out those peppercorns, i'm done with this" and rooted around in the fridge for something else. i stuck with it, maneuvering my fork around the peppercorns, and the sauce and mushrooms were perfect. i'll definitely make this again, without the peppercorns.

mushroom stroganoff
adapted from healthy delicious, as seen on mushroom channel
30 minutes, serves 4 adults

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon unsalted butter
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
2 cups cremini, baby portobello, or white button mushrooms, stems removed and caps quartered
1 cup shiitake mushrooms, stems removed and caps thinly sliced
1/3 cup dry sherry
1 teaspoon corn starch
1 pound egg noodles
  1. cook the egg noodles in salted water according to package directions.
  2. set a large saucepan over medium heat. add the olive oil and butter.
  3. once the butter has melted, saute the onion until it turns soft and starts to brown, about 10 minutes.
  4. add the mushrooms, all but about 2 tablespoons of the sherry, and whisk in the cornstarch. season with salt and pepper. bring to a simmer and cook about 10 minutes, until the mushrooms are soft and the sauce has thickened.
  5. stir in the reserved sherry. serve over cooked egg noodles.


  1. I'm really wishing I didn't hate mushrooms right now, because this sounds just devine.

  2. I'm making this right now. Smells so yummy! I think we might top ours off with a pinch of shredded Parmesan.
