

turnip mash

this is the only time all year i am sick of mashed potatoes. i come from a group of potato lovers, and i count myself as one of them, but a girl can only eat so many. time to change it up. with turnips.

i've never had turnips before. at least not that i can remember. they were good. not great, but a definite contender for those i'm-sick-of-potatoes days. how can anything be bad simmered in milk & garlic and mashed with a stick of butter?

turnip mash
adapted from tyler florence
30 minutes, serves 4

3 large or 5 medium sized turnips, peeled and cut into bite size chunks
3 1/2 cups milk
a few sprigs of fresh thyme
2 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed
1 stick unsalted butter
  1. in a medium saucepot, add the turnips, milk, thyme, and garlic and cook over medium high heat until simmering. simmer 20 - 30 minutes until the turnips are softened.
  2. remove the thyme and drain the liquid, reserving it.
  3. mash turnips with a potato masher. add the butter and about 1/2 cup of the cooking liquid and mash. season with salt & pepper and add more cooking liquid until the mash is to a consistency you like.

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